What is Data Communication and Networks ?

        You learned about the operating system and its functions in the previous lesson. Today, most people use computers in their offices, homes, markets, etc. Modern technology allows people to connect, share and communicate in different places with people sitting in front of a computer. . The physical connection between networked computing devices is created using a cable or wireless device. The Internet, for example, is an excellent example of a network of computers that communicate with each other through data transfer mechanisms. This lesson will introduce you to different aspects of the computer network and data communication.


Data Communication 

        In our daily life we communicate with the people around us through phones, mobile phones and letters. Similarly, a computer can communicate or send information to another computer system located anywhere in the world. All of this is possible using some ideal methods. These methods basically use electrical signals transmitted to wireless devices that use conductors, fiber optics, or satellites. The most basic exchange unit is in the form of bits (0s and 1s) between two devices. Such information is encoded and then decoded at the beginning and end of data communication channels so that humans can easily understand it. For example, a computer teacher wants to give some messages to his students. You will send a message from your computer (host) and all students will receive the message on another computer connected to the host via the network. All of this can happen in a few seconds. So we can say that people can send or receive information by email or communicate with people. 

        This is possible due to computer networks. Therefore, sending an email is an example of data communication over a computer network called the Internet. Keep in mind that there is a big difference in data communication from telecommunications as we know it. In the specific context of this lesson, data communication refers to the exchange of data between computers.

Communication Term 

        The following section summarizes the terminology used in communications using computers. Talk about bandwidth and the electromagnetic spectrum.

1. E-M spectrum: 

        The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. The E-M spectrum of an Object object has a different meaning and is instead a typical distribution of EM radiation emitted or absorbed by a special M object. The E-M spectrum extends the wavelength of thousands of kilometers at the low frequency used for modern radio communication for gamma radiation at the end of short wavelengths (high frequencies). Although the electromagnetic spectrum represents a wide range of frequencies, not all frequencies are suitable for human communication purposes.

2. Bandwidth :

     There are three main classes of bandwidth that we refer to in a telecommunications network: combined band, broadband, and broadband. to. The narrowband can contain up to 64 KB, also known as DS-0 channel (Digital Signal Level 0). This is the basic growth on which digital networks were built. Initially, our understanding of what it would take to transmit sound digitally through this 64 kbps metric network was taken. If we connect these 64 kbps channels, we can achieve a broadband transmission speed. YES. Broadband A broadband is a transmission medium or channel that has a broader bandwidth than the voice and channel i. E., more than 64 kbps. The term is generally compressed with tablet. C Broadband The most widely used bandwidth is broadband capacity. Broadband can be defined in different ways depending on what part of the industry is talking. Technically speaking, it is defined as just over 2 Mbps. The term broadband refers to any type of transmission technology that transports multiple data channels over a common cable. For example, in home networks, broadband uses this transmission technology to create any type of high-speed Internet access.

3. Transfer Rate : 

        It is the amount of digital data that moves from one place to another at any given time. Usually in the second half. Data transfer rate can be viewed as the travel speed of a given amount of data from one location to another.


Computer Network 

        A computer network is a group of computers that are interconnected to exchange and share information. People can transfer or receive information at minimal cost and time, using computer networks. The Internet is a  mastercomputer network that millions of people are using every day. Other shared resources may include a printer or a file server. The Internet itself can be known as a computer network that combined every network. The data or information available on a central computer can be easily shared, updated and accessed by all other users connected to the central computer. Computer networks from ISP to Wi-Fi and cellular networks are a key part of the information economy. These networks are the base of the web. The connection between computers can be done through wiring, commonly the Ethernet cable, or wirelessly through radio waves. Connected computers can share resources, such as Internet access, printers, file servers, and more.

Computer Network

        Computer network devices are also known as communication devices and constitute a data communication network. These devices are routers, switches, hubs, LAN cards, gateway, modems, hardware firewall, Channel Service Unit (CSU) / Data Service Unit (DSU), ISDN terminals, and transceivers. In an Ethernet or WAN network, data communication cannot be done without these devices. As an IT professional or network administrator, you must have a good understanding of these devices. Some of these devices and their functionalities are described above.

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