You may have noticed that the surface of the earth is always changing; In general, natural phenomena such as mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. change slowly, while cultural elements such as buildings, roads, and crops change rapidly. When you travel from one place to another, you will notice that the number of trees and the type of tree varies from one area to another. All of this is due to the constant interaction between the environment in which we live and the way we use it. The study of geography is about observing such methods. Another aspect of geography is understanding the factors or causes behind the real differences, how social, cultural, economic and demographic factors can change our physical landscape, and how new or altered landscapes have been created by human intervention. For example, human settlements are the conversion of forests or desert lands by humans for the purpose of life. Geography is often considered the art of making and studying maps. Maps of the Earth's surface view give us a more accurate and graphic view than the image of an image. As before, geographic information about the area is still available through reports, travel diaries and geographical dictionaries. Currently, maps can be drawn using satellite imagery using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools.
Computers easily convert information from satellite images into maps to show what development can bring. Such information is beneficial to society. Such maps are in high demand today. Today, geographers, engineers, environmental scientists, urban planners, social scientists, scientists and many others are using GIS to better understand the Earth. Geography not only examines where the earth is, but also why it is. Geographers study the location of activities, carefully identify patterns using maps, and find the causes of these patterns. These areas are then described on the basis of land forms, population, type of construction and distribution of agriculture. They detect connections and movements between locations and observe spatial processes operating in the field. Today, worldwide, there are problems related to food security, health, effective consumption and protection of the environment. Equally important are issues of equality and sustainable development. All of this can be done by using our resources sustainably. Therefore, the study of geography needs to learn more about environmental processes and understand how to help solve land use planning problems.
Basic concepts
Geography is defined differently by different periods in its history. Geographical work in ancient Greece follows two different traditions. One was a mathematical tradition that focused on determining locations on the surface of the earth, and the other was to collect geographic information through travel and field work. According to him, the purpose of geography was to provide a description of characteristics and physical conditions in different parts of the world. The descriptive nature of geography was also emphasized in the emergence of a regional approach to geography. According to Humboldt, geography is the science of nature and it studies and describes all the physical things on earth. Another important ideology defined geography as the study of human-environmental relations.
Geography development
(A) Ancient times :
The first record shows the interest of scholars in understanding the physical domain of the earth through maps and astronomical measurements. The Greeks are credited with being the ancient geographers, including Hoover, Herodotus, Thales Aristotle, and Eratosthenes.
(B) Anterior period :
This period is the middle of the fifteenth century and has continued to provide enormous information about the physical and cultural nature of the world through the travel and research of thousands of people since the beginning of the eighteenth century. The early seventeenth century saw the beginning of a new scientific geography. Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama, Fesdinand Magellan and Thomas Cook were important explorers and travelers. Vernius, Kent, Humboldt and Ritter led the geographers of this period. He contributed to the development of cartography and the discovery of new lands and the development of geography in the scientific disciplines.
(C) Modern Period :
Ritter and Humboldt We are often known as the founders of modern geography. Generally, the late 19th century is considered to be the period of modern geography. Truly, the first modern geographer was Ratzel, who created this In recent times, geography has developed very rapidly during the post-World War II period. American and European geographers such as Hartshorn have made maximum contributions during this phase. Hartshern called geography the science of dealing with field discrimination. Today's geographers see regional approaches and systematic interests as admirable, not contradictory.
Geography field
Geography is a holistic and interdisciplinary field of study dedicated to understanding the changing spatial structure from the past to the future. Therefore, there is scope for geography in various disciplines such as equipped services, environmental management, water resources, disaster management, meteorology and planning and various social sciences. Other than that, some geographers can help with activities related to tourism, transportation, housing and health in everyday life.
Geography methods and techniques
Each branch of systematic knowledge has some methods / tools and techniques on which the progress of its original objectives depends. Geography also has its tools, techniques and methods. Among them are important globes, maps, diagrams, relief models and methods of spatial analysis. Cartography deals with the preparation of maps and diagrams to show the distribution of geographical events. Important geography methods are natural and invasive. Various statistical techniques and models are used to understand regional analysis and spatial distribution and interaction.
Most of us are fascinated by maps. maps have been created with pencil, ink, and paper, but computers have revolutionized cartography and can create maps and diagrams without much more choice and functionality than GIS methods. Spatial information is taken from measurements and other published sources and can be stored in a database, from which it can be used for various purposes. Current trends in the field are moving towards the creation of increasingly dynamic interactive maps rather than drawing with ink or paper mapping methods. Most business-grade maps are now made from mapping software that is divided into one of three main types; Computer Aided Data Management (CAD), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Cartography has evolved from a collection of pictorial techniques to real science. Cartographers need to understand which symbols effectively convey information about the earth and create maps that encourage everyone to find places to use the map or use it for their daily work. To understand how the distortion of map symbols on a flat surface affects the shape of the earth, one must learn geometry and corresponding mathematics. "Geographic information systems" are concerned with collecting information about the Earth for computer-to-computer recovery. In addition to other sub-disciplines of geography, GIS specialists must understand computing and database systems.
Traditionally, maps are used to explore the land and use its resources. GIS Technologies Cart G, as an extension of cartographic graphics science, has increased the efficiency and analytical power of traditional mapping. GIS technology is becoming an essential tool to try to understand the process of global change. Various maps and satellite information sources can be combined to recreate the interaction of complex natural systems. Such visualizations can help predict what will happen if the area is frequently flooded, or what changes are expected to occur when an industry is located or develops in the area. Inherited from the British Ordinance Survey, surveyed with India, Netmo is one of India's leading mapping organizations. Its one million series maps are well known.
The organization of the car. In 1960, the graphic unit of the French Institute of Pondicherry had a significant impact on the development of geography in India. His publication of botanical and land maps on a scale of 1: 100,000 was highly appreciated for his botanical appreciation and resource mapping. The unit was updated in 1995 as a geometry lab emphasizing computer mapping and GIS.