Narsinh Mehta
- Narsinh Mehta is a prolific poet of Gujarati language whose poetry has been sung all over Gujarat for 500 years today, whose illiterate people of the village recite their mornings and whose simple yet very profound poems are enjoyed by great scholars for centuries.
- Of course, poetry was created in Gujarati language even before Narsinh, but as Umashankar Joshi notes: Narsinh is not in terms of the primitive poetic history of Gujarati language, but in Narsinh the Gujarati language finds its first voice. It is the voice of the semen creator who takes pride in the language that makes literature the language that makes it the language of literature. In that sense, Narsinh Gujarati needs a primitive poet.

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- Narsinh was born in Vadnagar Nagar caste in Talaja in Saurashtra. Father Krishnadas and mother Daya Kunwar lost their oath in infancy. The elder brother's name was Bansidhar. When his parents left, he went to live with his brothers and sisters in Junagadh. From his childhood, Narsinh was not interested in religion.
- Narsinh was married to a girl named Manek at the age of 12 and they had two children, a son named Shamalsha and a son named Kunwarbai. Thus Narsinh Bhagwad devotion, vagrancy and inactivity remained the same despite the passing of the world. The world of four people and their earnings is nothing more than nothing. One day, Narsinh was beaten up by her sister-in-law for calling her a 'fool'. Narsinh left home and wandered out of the village. There is a Shivalaya in the forest and a Shivling inside. Gopnath worshiped Shiva in that temple for seven days without eating or drinking.
- Eventually Mahadev was pleased and asked for a blessing. Whether there is truth in the speech or legend, Narsinh sees Rasalila with his skin eyes or not, but with his distant eye, he saw Rasalila of Parabrahm and that is why he wrote a poem to him: Mahenu was instrumental in assimilating Narsinh, so Narsinh returned home and thanked his sister-in-law.
- In Gopnath's seven-day stay, Narsinh is now full of devotion. He is no longer an ordinary citizen. In Junagadh alone, he earns a living by practicing medicine. He wakes up in the morning and goes to bathe in Damodar Kund in Giritaleti. In the evening, the saints conduct satsangs and discourses with the devotees. One day he goes to Harijanwas to do kirtan at the invitation of saints, so Nagari Naat throws him out.
- Narsinh's special charm is in the beautiful and expressive swinging verses. It is called Prabhatiya which has been sung during Prabhat for years. Prabhas of Narsinh can rightly sit in the ranks of our best poems of any period. From these verses the true personality of Vedanti poet Narsinh is seen. He is a poet of lyric accomplishment like Narsinh. The beauty of Narsinh's verses is that his works can be found in classical ragas.

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- Mahatma Gandhiji's favorite hymn Vaishnavajan is called it and the terms of knowing happiness and sorrow in one's mind are popular. In the whole universe, the poetic wisdom of the Infinite Upanishads, one of you, Shrihari Jujve Roop, seems to challenge it. For the sake of writing Narsinh's poem, it is not a poem written with the realization of being a poet, it is a distraction, joy and longing of a devotee's heart and an instinctive eloquence. Written in simple language, high quality philosophy gives poetry a unique pride.
Special Creations of Narsinh Maheta :
- Sudana Charitra
- Danlila Chaturi
- Putra Vivah
- Hundi
- While staying with Dada Rao Dudaji in Medta, Marwar, Meera drank Akanth Bhaktiras and the idol became the center of love for Shamliya given by her mother to play. She sang that ‘I will not bind another person’ but the elders wanted so she was married to Patvikunwar Bhojraj of Rana Sangram Singh of Chittor.

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- In the royal Shiva devotee family of Chitod, even though she became the queen in the eyes of the world, Meera, who believed in 'Mere to Girdhar Gopal dusro na koi', kept on dancing and singing. But the royal family of Sasaria did not like to lose the Lok Laj, so he took various measures to get rid of this Krishna devotion.
- The cup of poison sent by Rana was considered as nectar. Due to various forms of harassment, his endurance was limited. Meera was now fed up with Mewar due to quarrels with Sasaria and quarrels, not because of fear of life but because of frequent obstacles in devotion. Thus she did not leave Krishna but left Mewar. Gai used to sing songs with the joy of flood on her way to life in Vrindavan in Vrajbhoomi. He did not compose Mahagranth, nor did he compose an epic, but he composed 300 verses.
- The unique attraction of Gujarati language is that its posts have done a special job especially for the people of Gujarati Rajasthan. Mira's sect runs in Mewar. The idols of Krishna and Mira are worshiped together. Mira has somehow snatched Radha's position.
- Premanand was born in Vadodara but spent his childhood in Nandarbar, the southernmost tip of Gujarat. His parents died at a young age and he grew up with his aunt in Mosal. Fifteen years of this Nabapa boy's childhood were spent in complete wandering. Temple of Kamnath Mahadev away from home. There is a Siddha Guru. Premnand accidentally met Guru Ramcharan and his life changed.

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- The intellect, which had never been seen or seen in anyone, awoke, the talent shone. Premanand learned Sanskrit-Hindi and started composing poetry in Sanskrit and Hindi. At that time Gujarat was ruled by Delhi. Gujarati language was not respected then. Many Gujarati poets started writing poetry in Hindi as well as Urdu. Thus Premanand also had the mind to write in Hindi. Writing in Hindi, he showed his guru Ramcharan. Guru taught, why do you leave Umbar and worship Dungar?
- Saying this, he asked Premanand to compose a poem in Gujarati language only. Premananda was exactly affected by Guruvach. As a result, Premanand decided to compose poetry in Gujarati and vowed not to wear a turban until Gujarati is respected as much as any other language. By the grace of Guru, Premanand took up a pen to write poetry in Gujarati language. Gujarati language got excellent poetic splendor and Gujarat got great poet Premanand.
- Gagaria Bhatt's business. Man plays, narrates, but maintains the artist's religion. Unlike others, he not only satisfies himself by narrating, but also observes the interests of the listeners. That is why the storyline was seen in his lecture.
- There are two distinct genres of Gujarati literature: Raas and Akhyan. In it, there is the great poet Premananda who molds the narrative form. In his day, Premanand gave fiction the same place as a novel as a literary form. The novel can be read, the visual drama can be seen, the poem can be read or heard, the song can be sung, but in Premanand's narration the novel's catharsis, the play's acting and entertainment, the melody of the poem as well as the sensation and the music of the song are appreciated. Gurjar literature continued to be a successful contribution to the narrative world literature.
- Premanand has a poetry period of about 30 years. Premanand has about 6 works on marriage. Of these, there are 27 works by other poets which can be called Premanandanij, excluding all those named after him. Saraswati's love has four hands. It is rare for someone to become synonymous with the poetic language of this poet and to stay for a long time. Premananda language is simple but mature, easy, sarcastic, eloquent and smooth.
- Premananda's poetry is a work of exhilaration, full of joy and happiness. The history of Gujarati literature is 1000 years old and there is no other poet like him. Premanand is a great poet and has earned the title of Jyotirdhar of Gujarat.
Special Creations of Premanand :
- Narsinh Maheta nu Mameru
- Hundi
- Harmala
- Ranyagna
- Abhimanyu Akhyan
- Sudama Charitra
- Sudhnva Akhyan
- Subhdraharan
- Vivek Vanzaro etc...