- The use of information and communication technology, which started after the 90's, started in different places and its good results have been very effective on the government machinery. Due to which the society has been able to perform its various functions easily and quickly in the government system using both traditional and modern types of information technology. Information communication technology has played an important role in connecting information communication from the nation, state and district level to the final local level associated with development.
- Many changes have taken place in the socio-economic field through information communication technology. Information communication technology has brought the various components of marketing in the business sector closer together which has ultimately increased productivity and research. Has played a leading role in making the entire system between business entities and government transparent.
- Thus, e-governance means "a simple and transparent service always provided by the government through the Internet in the absence of government units". Through which people and other business entities can go directly to the government and carry out various schemes and government functions. The government thus provides a means for the public to participate through various types of computer or mobile based applications.
What is ICT ?
- Information technology is the technique of extracting the required information according to the function from the collection of very large data entered on the computer. Through which information can be sent and received anywhere very quickly, securely and systematically.
Importance of e-Governance
- The world has become much smaller because of the technological peace that has taken place within the world today. Especially through the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) and the peace of mobile technology in the last decade, the general public is also connected to each other through the Internet. In view of these possibilities, e-governance policy has been adopted by the government. Due to which very fast citizens of the country, business associations, government institutions and even government employees can use it very easily.
- Also the system is internet based so anyone can use it from any place. E-Governance is a universal communication system based on YCT information and communication technology. In which information can be exchanged from one place to another very quickly and easily. The government has recently adopted an approach to extend this method to the maximum number of people.
Benefits of e-Governance
- Controlling
- Full
transparency makes it more convenient for citizens, employees and
- GDP growth.
- Involvement of
the common man in government activity and planning.
- Controlling
costs in traditional systems.
- Ability to reach
out directly to the government.
Types of e-Governance
- Governance within India is currently facilitated in four main ways which are as under
1. G2C (Government to Citizen).
2. G2B (Government to Business).
3. G2G (Government to Government).
4. G2E (Government to Employees).
(1) G2C (Government to Citizen)
- By the Central and State Governments, the citizens of India can perform various tasks directly through computer or mobile using various types of government processes as well as direct participation in schemes such as 7/12 examples of farm land, Aadhaar card documents, births and deaths. Examples etc. can be obtained.
- Online Hospital Management Information System, e-Dhara, e-Mamta, Online Job Application System (OZAS) e-Agriculture, Kiran Targeted Public Distribution System etc.
(2) G2B (Government to Business)
- The Central and State Governments have provided G2B i.e. government-to-business medium to effectively promote the trade industry by bringing transparency in the tech as well as other taxes paid by them to provide assistance to the units of various trade industries as required. Application Integrated Workflow and Document Management System, e-Gujarat Integrated Financial Management System, Revenue Case Management System, Roads and Buildings Department Monitoring System, Value Added Tax Information System Extended Drugs Production License System Investor Facility Smart Portal Books Science & Mine.
(3) G2G (Government to Government)
- New schemes and the money used in them as well as research are accounted for on the basis of sharing and analyzing the data registered by the Central and State Governments. Especially at the time of elections, voter list preparation based on the data of the citizens of the area, providing scholarships and other assistance to the students studying in schools and colleges is done in a win-win manner.
(4) G2E (Government to Employees)
- The G2E method is used by the Central and State Governments to provide financial benefits to thousands of employees working in various government units according to their positions, on-the-job training and online payroll.
Various e-Governance Services Currently Being Implemented by the State Government.
(1) Digital Gujarat
- There are many successful and reputed projects in operation in Gujarat. Digital India program is running in India. Under this program, 101 more ICT programs can be successfully implemented with Digital Gujarat. Many online services with Aadhaar linkup under Digital Gujarat are available on the website www.digitalgujarat.gov.in. Digital technology was introduced in Gujarat in phases from 1999. Gujarat is a leading state in e-transactions.
(2) Important ICT projects of Gujarat
- Infrastructure
- Gujarat
State Wide Area Network GSWAN.
- Gujarat
State Data Center (GSDC).
- Secretariat
integrated Communication Network
- Bicek
- E-Gram Vishwa Gram
- Gujarat State Wide Area Network (GSWAN) has a centrally operated IT infrastructure from Gandhinagar with all districts and all talukas for IP based Multi Services (Voice, Data and Video) services.
- GSWAN is an ‘End to End IP’ based backbone, a network that provides all districts and all taluka centers with audio, video and information at the same bandwidth as the state data center.
- The Secretariat Campus Area Network (SCAN) connects all government offices and government houses with the state complex Gandhinagar with Gigabit backbone through 7000 Ethernet input / output ports.
- Web Server DNSGSWAN / SCAN Server Mail Server and Database Servers are installed at the State Data Center. It is integrated with GSWAN / SCAN network.
- Gujarat State Data Center (GSDC) is the first state level data center in India under NeGP (National e-Government Plan).
(4) Urban WIFI Project
- The Urban WiFi project has been implemented by the state government with the help of Gujarat State Urban Area Network (GSUAN) to provide free internet service to the citizens of the state at home. Under this project, WiFi zones will be set up in 6 municipalities of the state and public places of the city such as civil hospitals, bus stands, railway stations, libraries and other government offices. With the help of which citizens will be able to easily avail various services for free by using internet in public places.
- In SWAGAT online grievance redressal program any citizen can present their problems and district administrators solve this problem in district taluka, village reception on the fourth Thursday of every month using computer technology. Due to which the administrative system is seen to be developing.
(6) Aapno Taluko Vibrant Taluko (ATVT)
- Government of Gujarat An online system called Aapno Taluko Vibrant Taluko (ATVT) has been launched since 2011. In order for the people to get information about government schemes, programs, public complaints, etc. in their taluka, a single window has been started to get more than 108 services in one place by connecting with various departments, so that a person can go to the district headquarters to do small and big works. Will not have to go. ATVT's main services include income, gender, senior citizen's sample, weapon license, ration card, changes in date of birth, etc. It can also provide the applicant with SMS service related to his application and online tracking of his application.
(7) I-Khedut
- I-Khedut Portal has been launched by the Department of Agriculture and Co-operation, Government of Gujarat. Through which the farmers of the state get timely information about the farm inputs required for farming. Advanced agricultural information may be available at your fingertips. The benefits of various welfare schemes are easily available to the farmers at home and they can know the weather and the current market prices of agricultural products in different markets.
(8) E-Gram Vishwa Gram
- Gujarat is the only state in the country which has the facility to provide computer services in 13693 gram panchayats at the village level.
- Connection of all District Panchayats and Taluka Panchayats with Gujarat State Wide Area Network. Connecting with the trust of the villagers with the activity being given at all the gram panchayats.
- E-Gram Vishwa Gram Yojana is also known as Village Computer Center. E-Gram Vishwagram acts as the SP of e-Governance.
- Arrangement of Satellite based Direct Digital at all District Panchayats, Taluka Panchayats and Training Centers for dissemination of information as well as training of Panchayat members and staffs. Internal administrative functions of Panchayats are included. Information about the accounts of Panchayats is available online through this software.
- Information on birth-death certificate, income proof, caste proof, certificate of character, certificate of residence, etc. and information of various government schemes through e-Gram and information of schemes of 7/12 and 8 / A to be given to the farmer at village level. Planning and arrangement of giving from Panchayat.
- E-Gram Panchayat has electricity and telephone bills, insurance and postal services.